Task 5: Counter Culture

The Counter Culture ‘is a set of values, ideas, and ways of behaving that are completely different from those of the rest of society’ [1] which developed in the UK and the US which continued to grow and spread in the 1960s and 1970s.

The first piece [2] I chose to look at was the rock band, Ten Years After’s, album cover ‘Ssssh’ from 1969 which was an iconic album cover. The minimal yet contrasting colours drew me to the piece as it is the main element of the cover itself as it almost acts as a 3D image as how older 3D glasses looked. The other part which drew me to it is the image itself, which is a minimalistic illusion of a moving head which intercepts the multiple images used seamlessly.

I particularly enjoy pieces of work like this where the colours used have been the main thing which causes the interest in it, as without the contrast between the red and blue the image wouldn’t be as interesting to look at.


This is the cover from an issue of ‘it’ from 1972 [3]. ‘it’ ran from 1966 till 1974 which was during the counter culture period meaning that the content and staff during this period changed and became both more commercial and radical.

The cover is graphical and bold without incorporating bright colours. It interested me because it has a balance which I find is great between being graphic and having the detail from thestippling on the skull which is the main focus of the cover.




This photo [3] showcases hippies placing flowers into the guns to plead for peace showing their sensibility and

their peaceful spirits. The photo captures a moment in time which is actually somewhat beautiful to look at even though at the time it might not have been. I enjoy capturing moments in time through photos as a photo can speak a million words.



[1] Collins. Collins English Dictionary.


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[2] WordPress. Written by user 00individual. Published 24/1/15.


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[3] The Guardian. The Observer. Written Kathryn Bromwich. Published 23/9/17.


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[4] Widewalls Editorial. Written Andrey V. and Eli Anapur. Published 10/10/16.


[Accessed 7/11/17]

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