Task 9: Contemporary art and theory

For my contemporary art work, I have decided to discuss Marilyn Minters’ “Orange crush” 2009, which consists of a faceless woman who appears to be ‘sexually’ licking glass, however Minter has created this image to deform the woman’s’ sexual features by pressing her wet lips and nose up against the surface.


The feminist movement within art has been around since the late 1960’s when many women began to fight for their rights for freedom and control over their bodies. Minter designed her “Orange Crush” work as part of “A year of yes” which was an exhibition based in the Brooklyn museum, which was an opportunity for feminist artists to “push the often denigrated 1960s styles of Photo Realism to new extremes”.

Feminist artists including Minter, believed that women “were invisible to the public eye”. Women believed that the art industry was mainly male dominated and that they were “denied exhibition and gallery representation based on the sole fact of their gender” therefore, feminist artists wanted to find alternative venues where they could promote their art work and they steered away from the traditional male techniques such as painting and sculpture and used different medias including textiles and performance to create wider artistic perspectives.



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