Task 10: My work and 10 words

Experimentation, outlines, overlapping, textures, bold, abstract, vibrant, dynamic, creative, unique

I have used the past semester to study “females within art” and to create the idea of women being oppressed and their true identities being faded away, this is specifically portrayed through Yann Houri’s “the complexity of mankind”. I have decided to use this photograph to represent my practice, as a key part of my work is experimenting with various medias, as I am unsure as to what pathway to choose.

Therefore, whilst attending a number of life drawing classes I have experimented using charcoal, print, collage and water crayons to create abstract drawings of the female body. I was especially intrigued by the outcome of the print life drawings, as the applied pressure on the page, resulted in the ink transferring onto different sections of the face, creating the idea of how bleak the oppression is. I decided that the outcome was successful and printed the same image over the top of the first one and reflected, creating a the idea of these, figures all being trapped and merging together.

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