Task 11 – Summarise Your Blog

Writing this blog has helped wider my knowledge of art history and theories in areas I wouldn’t think I’d have found without it. Tasks 2 (consume a book) and 7 (compare the two texts) have pushed me to explore artist theory and the infinite interpretations that can be found in this art world. Task 7, in particular, was one of the more challenging tasks for me because of the sophisticated and wider range of vocabulary that they used. However, after discussing these texts with my classmates I was able to understand what each text was saying and trying to portray. These tasks allowed me to explore theories that I otherwise probably would not have ever come across.

Completing these tasks has not only opened my eyes to new ideas but it’s also allowed me to explore the theories and areas that I already have an interest in. Task 9, where we had to apply a theory to contemporary art, allowed me to explore into both the artist Barbara Kruger and feminist theory; both of which were some of the influences for my individual projects. For example, I wrote task 9 at the beginning of the Manifesto project and that tasked pushed me to look into that artist and the meanings behind their work in greater depth. It gave me a better understanding of her work and ideologies; so much so that Barbara Kruger’s work was a huge influence for my Manifesto project and that was also the project I felt the most confident in creating.

This blog has also pushed me to experiment in my practical work. In particular, task 6 (new mode of practice), at first seemed very daunting to me as I am used to using the basic mediums of paint, pen and pencil, so the idea of having to create something new was a challenge. However, after thinking about it, this task actually gave me the push to finally get out and experiment with the idea of embroidery, something I’ve recently wanted to experiment with but never had the courage to attempt, and try and work that into my work some how.


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