

Copyright has been an immensely beneficial piece of legislature that has protected and promoted the personal rights of innovations for the last few centuries, allowing individuals to own the rights to their own products, instead of those rights falling under the absolute control of a ruling monarch or class. Copyright has allowed individuals to build themselves up from nothing, opening the gates to a higher level of living, instead of that level being restricted to those individuals born into it. It also, as mentioned before, has promoted the innovation by decreeing that said innovations will not be taken from the innovator, but will be theirs for either their life, or a certain period of time.

Copyright has had a number of setbacks however, as individuals have found numerous loopholes through the legislature, allowing them to begin and continue using dirty business practices in order to take control of certain copyrighted pieces of work and take them as their own through law, as well as attempt to claim the copyright for a number of trivial things for example the FineBrothers from the website Youtube attempted to copyright the word “React” in order to protect their own video format in the early months of 2016. I think it’s impossible to stop these kind of practices in their entirety without contradicting the legislature itself, thus is has become just another fact of life that individuals need to be careful when it comes to copyright and copyright law.

When it comes to making something original,I mentioned in my Avant Garde piece that everything comes from something and nothing comes from nothing; it is difficult to make something truly unique in its own right, however I believe it is possible to make something different, in a sense. If copyright law had been developed to be more stringent, that only the unique and completely different would be allowed through, the world would be a very different place. Ideas have to come from somewhere, whether they’re from a book, a piece of art or a movie, to penalise an individual for that is wrong in my eyes. So in my eyes, in the strictest sense of the term, no it is not possible to make something truly new in terms of the games industry of other types of media.

Chris Foxx. (1 February 2016). Fine Brothers spark fury with YouTube trademark attempt. Available: Last accessed 7/12/17.

Task 6

In my own opinion, an ideal working space should be generous enough to hold 3 or 4 people after everything is placed. I hope this is an independent space, so that I can quietly do what I want to do. The table needs to be large enough to hold both the computer and the different materials. Different materials neatly placed in the wall cabinet, so I can always get what they need to use items. There’s a simple kitchen at the corner of the room where I can make some fresh food for myself; there’s a small fridge under the table for some frozen drinks. The light in the space is white and bright, with an independent corner that makes me unaffected.

Task 5

Johns, Jasper

The exhibition that I’ve seen recently that left the deepest impression was Mr. Jasper Johns’ oil paint ‘flag’.  This piece of work gave me a huge impact. When I first saw it, I only thought it was a simple painting because the American flag fills the whole painting with a full visual impact, including the artist’s love for his motherland. After that, I found out that the brushwork of this painting is very delicate. The unique brushwork of this painting made me feel this painting is soft, like a silky carpet. The color he used made me feel a little old, because the yellowish beige gives a feeling of being placed for some time. Let me think it has sufficient visual impact and representative meaning, full of his delicate soul.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

I believe that AI Developers uphold the human brain as a standard for AI based on two factors; one that we are the smartest thing we have even encountered thus far, and two logic can only take you so far. Adaptable AI may be used in numerous different fields to expand the horizon of humanity which it itself can adapt to numerous different situations on the go. An AI capable of thought on a level with the Human brain would be able to perform numerous tasks simultaneously whilst also being able to adapt to certain situations, giving it an increased edge over the single minded AI dedicated to a single task. Though this would also run the risk of coming with the flaws of humanity, I personally believe that it is these flaws that have allowed us to come as far as we have – our ability to fail, learn and make better.

I believe the scare and fear mongering behind the “Skynet” AI is unfounded, to an extent. Though the possibilities of a rampant AI may be possible, it is likely they will be extremely slim. The individuals making these AI are smart people. However, there would be a number of founded drawbacks from the implementation of “Strong” AI in our society. Two examples being that AI are able to be hacked (however hard) which poses a serious risk depending on the AI’s placement and function. The other being a serious unemployment problem as “Strong” AI make for a disposable workforce, forcing large swaths of people into unemployment.

Human – Computer Interaction

Human – Computer Interaction

“Human–computer interaction researches the design and use of computer technology, focused on the interfaces between people and computers.”

Though the Witcher games are considered to be among the best in terms of their story and later on their gameplay, Witcher has suffered from a number of ups and downs during its long run. Witcher 2 was renowned for its terrible UI for the PC, with CD Projekt Red developing the UI specifically for Xbox and not for PC’s or other gaming devices. The UI was clunky, awkward and just down right terrible. The same could be said for the first Witcher game as well, which suffered from some of the same problems. The UI suffered from a number of problems, mostly due to its poor inventory and other aspects attached to that, leading to an awkward process to access certain parts of the game which were supposed to be used on the fly.

The ability to use the computers and more so the internet has opened mankind up to an unlimited, digitalized Library of Alexandria. With such a wide array of information at our fingertips, technology is already augmenting humanity not in a physical way, but also psychologically – which has it’s pros and cons. Humanity now is smarter than it has ever been, but due to our reliance on technology certain social changes have occurred, especially over the last two decades. Though we are connected through the power of technology, we have also become disconnected from each other physically in some places.

It is possible that in the future this may be built upon and expanded, or perhaps not. It may be possible that we are able to link our own minds to the digital plane in some kind of pseudo-digital world similar to the Matrix, or that we ourselves shed our corporeal form for that of an android, or even a server network.

Wikipedia. (). Human Computer Interaction. Available: Last accessed 7/12/17.

Task 4

Jasper Johns:”Something Resembling Truth”


Mr. Jasper’s painting left the deepest impression on me was the ‘Flag’. An entire American flag fills the entire painting, fully demonstrating his love of his motherland. His paintings are exceptionally detailed, and prints of the same painting are more or less different. Some of his paintings are bright colors that make people feel happy, while others use dark colors to make people feel negative energy. Some of the paintings are very realistic, with even the words above, while others show the things he wants to express in color, but there is no fixed form.


After the attending ten weeks of research and communication skills lecture and writing responds to each lesson, I found that my research skill and reference skill have approved a lot. I became able to think more deeply and objective while comparing and narrating.

Starting from the first task, we were shown a show film—Terminal Bar, and we need to analyse it after watching. This was the first time for me to watch this kind of documentary film, unlike some perfectly made documentary video, this one is made in a more simple way. However, I think this style fits with the image of Terminal Bar and I found out sometimes imperfect can make something perfect.

In Task 2, we were told to compare two select work by ourself. Since I always like to search for interesting graphic art on the internet like Instagram and Pinterest, so I choosed two art work from this two social media and try to compare them. Even I love to look at those beautiful art work, I do not really think deep when I look at them, through this analyse process, I paid more attention on the values and the way how the artist produce the work and I think the way how I look at an art work is changing.

In Task 3 and 4, we were asked two theoretical question, the first one is asking about the influence of internet on art and the second one is about the possibility of being truly authentic. This two issue has always been an unsolved problem in the art world, everyone has their own points of view and while I am doing the research, I can see there is always different voice from different groups of people so I think having an ability of respect others’ idea.

In Task 5 to 7, we watched a Netflix documentary video on each lesson and I really love those videos and got so many inspiration from each of them. The artist in each series having a strong personality and showing their confidence through their work and I think this is what made them became successful and special. Moreover, the way that Netflix made the videos also impressed me a lot, they group the information with a lot of visual effect and made the videos very compact.

Overall, I have tried and learnt a lot of new things from this first semester RCS lecture. I can really push myself to look and analyse things more deeply and also learnt different issue and style in the art world, so I found I really did improved in my research and communication skills.

Task 8

This is the end of Research and Communication Skills module. After doing every task during 9 weeks, I have learned a lot in some aspects.


Start from making appreciation of the short film the Terminal Bar I learned about the importance of combination between background music and handover from a frame to another another frames. The photos in this film are changing-over, appear and go following the beat of background music. What impressed me most was that at the last part of the film, the photos appear in a form which is like a phantoscop. It is really interesting.


I learned about what I can use for reference through the comparison of two artworks from task 2. Because work to find the similarity and connection between two artworks can inspire me to get a new point. Furthermore, the designers working method is like a guide which I can follow by.


The research of counter culture from the 1960s to the 1970s bring a great impact to me, because I have never known about this period of history before. The The scope of knowledge is expanded. I realized that artworks are link with everything in our lives. It can relevant to politics or other problem in society and influent the development of society. The posters about counter culture used the bright, vivid color with exaggerate collocation. That remind me how powerful the color composition is and push me to deep think it again.


What is more, I am quite interested in a part of postmodernism which is the visual culture of hip pop. One of the typical method for creat this style of artworks is collage. It remixed many kind of elements in an image. I have created an artwork about hip pop before, now I have more developing idea after research.


The most enjoyable task is task 7 Publish and Perish. Because compare with dry facts of history, this task allowed me to do some research that I want to do. During looking at a lot of interesting works, it helps me found my favorite discipline which is graphic design. These beautiful design bring me visual enjoyment. Gunter Ranbow also impressed me in the way he works. He finds inspiration of artworks in life and takes some common themes in his life as creative elements, plus artistic treatment, so that he has some other symbolic meanings. I would like to catch the useful points if the special personal style of work for those designer which I have researched.


The most important factor in working is critical thinking. It pushed me to constant reflection and exploration through a series of researching and the ability of critical thinking is improved gradually. It is positive. I realized that a graphic designer is that kind of occupation workers, they will be some social things condensed into a visual symbol by morphological changes, marking and code, which has become a kind of political, economic, religious and cultural movement value of things, and in order to show any subject.

The History of Indie

The term “Indie” within the game’s industry isn’t a modern concept. Indie developers have existed since the early 80’s in a number of different forms. To be an Indie Developer, the developers themselves need to be independent of any kind of publisher, self publishing their own content. In terms of Indie being a modern concept, I personally believe a distinction can be made between the Indie developers of the 80’s and 90’s, compared to Indie developers from the early 2000’s to now based upon changes in the industry witnessed within that time span.

The term Indie has become far from meaningless. Despite the fact that there are numerous AAA developers in the game’s industry as of today, the Indie scene is still strong and thriving, and from my own personal observation has only grown in strength with easy access to once privileged pieces of software and hardware that make creating a game much more of an easy feat. Anyone can make a game with the free industry standard software now available, compared to the 80’s and 90’s when to be a games designer you needed a number of degrees and qualifications in order to enter into the industry.

So in conclusion no, I don’t believe the term “Indie” has become meaningless, if anything it is among the last bastions of the Gaming Industries beating heart, which as of late has been drowned in poor buisness practices and scandals by a number of AAA companies and corporations.

Oddtales. (). The Last Night. Available: Last accessed 7/12/17

“A Bar at the Folies-Bergère” was an oil on canvas made from Édouard Manet, a France artist, in 1882. The most vivid women in the picture seem to have pulled out of the crowds emerging from the mirror behind her. She is elegant and charming, yet stands alone on the back of the bar, in a seemingly indifferent and extremely exhausted look at the viewer; this ponders upon what the charming woman is thinking? The young woman’s face was rosy, the men and women in the mirror behind her were having a love affair stealthily, the bright roses on the table were placed in the small goblet, which represented the splendid and fragile love.