Question pair 3

Choose one of the indie designers / developers and outline why their work, and approach is of interest to you?

An indie developer which interests me is TheGameCompany which was founded in 2006. This indie developer has developed games like Cloud and Journey which both try to capture the feeling of smallness and anonymity using gameplay and art style. For example, Journey uses a very aesthetic art style which consists of geometric shapes and a color palate which is very mellow and calm to look at visually. This art style interests me because rather than focusing on amazing visuals and fast paced gameplay it tries to capture a feeling by using both visuals and gameplay in harmony to create an atmosphere that the user can be immersed in and feel the urge to invest time into day after day. Cloud a game developed before journey and was used by TheGameCompany to test how gamers would feel about a simplistic game which focuses on trying to make the user emotionally invested in the story and game. Cloud was a game based on one of the developer’s childhood who was hospitalized very often due to being asthmatic, when in this state he would dream a lot about flying around in his mind. This then spawned the game Cloud. This attention to detail in an indie game creates empathy, so the user can connect and feel what it was like to be in the mind of person going through hardship and this exactly what interests me about this developer they focus on creating a connection through the game by adding layers of depth which in turn add more meaning then indie games which solely focus on following a puzzle solving game style, where the player will just solve puzzles and carry on to the next one.

Sources and references

What do you think could be the most exciting indie projects that are in development?

 One of the most exciting indie projects I am looking forward to is Budget Cuts this an indie game which uses VR to allow the user to play the game. Budget cuts is a game based around the player being a spy and infiltrating set locations he or she must go through the map killing robots by using weapons like guns and knives to eliminate targets but being a spy, you are also required to cover up your kills by hiding the bodies this use of stealth mechanic totally immerses the player. The player can also peak around corners and hide in vents if needed. This is one of the best VR games out there so far and has been in development for around 3 years and should be released early 2018. When I played the demo, it was like entering a new world and felt totally connected as the graphics and gameplay had great synergy to immerse me in the gameplay. Budget cuts has a vast array of mechanics such as a use of a portal gun which throws a ball in a chosen direction and then allows the player to scan the room for enemies before blinking into the room, I love the use of stealth mechanics incorporated with VR.



Sources and references















Task 9/10-Ethics

Duncan quinn
The advert by Duncan Quinn which is supposedly advertising men’s suits, Described as ‘Savile Row meets Rock ‘n Roll’, by buzz feed. The advert shows a young female helplessly stretched out on top of what looks like the bonnet of a car. She lays at the foot of a well-dressed business man whom you can clearly see the face of as he looks directly into the camera. The high camera angle shows off the female’s body, as she’s lead in skimpy lace underwear with just her upper body on show. Her body looks as if she is asleep or lifeless making her look helpless and vulnerable. Her neck is tilted back whilst willingly allowing a stick like object held by the man to be clawed at her neck, this suggests she’s submissive, showing the male as a dominant figure over the woman, the fact that her face is also not shown dehumanises her.

The use of a half-naked woman draws in the male gaze as men would be drawn to the image, as they would naturally be attracted to the female body. The advert could also be seen to attract men in a negative way. The messages that the advert gives off to its male audience that this is what their suits could do for them, making women fall to their feet, and not just purchase the suits.  “we do “a great disservice” to boys in how we raise them, putting them in the “hard cage” of masculinity; and that we do “a greater disservice” to girls.” Tedx Talk, ‘we should all be feminists’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, she states that the way men are portrayed in today’s culture is allowing certain behaviours.
The advert could also suggest that women are made to serve men. The way that she is willingly laying on the bonnet of the car shows to male and female audience that women should be submissive and they are only there for men to use for sex or to for fill a need. By sending this message it allows men to think it’s okay to treat women in this way. The way the model is made to look vulnerable, by her lack of clothing and her face not shown in the shot it could suggest to the viewer the idea of rape and abuse towards women, making this look okay, suggesting to young women that they should allow men to treat them this way.
The use of a car which holds connotations of masculinity reinforces the masculine control the man has over the female in the shot.

Overall, the advert by Quinn sends negative messages to its reader, supporting this message is an issue with in the fashion industry as it targets such wide audiences.

Tedx Talk, ‘we should all be feminists’, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, 2013

Buzzfeed Staff, Buzzfeed (2012) The Five Most Sexist/Misogynistic Print Ads From The Last Five Years. Available from: Acsessed: 30th November

Question Pair Answer #6: #OWN (30/11/2017)

Laura Neal
Question Pair No. 6:
– “What do you see as the positives and negatives around copyright?”
– “Is it possible to make anything new?”

Although opinions vary, almost every person can agree that copyright is indeed needed. Its primary function is to ensure that creators do not lose legal rights over their own original work and can contradict how their work is used by others. It also ensures that creators are permanently credited when their work is used. ‘Work’ can refer to a vast range of mediums from film, television, art, songs, instrumentals and remixes, books, comedic jokes, brands, personal videos, writing of any kind, animation, designs and of course games, to mention a small number. The process is made easier by the fact that copyright is instantaneous and requires no paperwork for it to be initiated.
One other subject relating to copyright I have thought about in depth is whether anything I create can possibly be new or original. There will always be the argument that everything one has seen has originated from another place, and the same argument can be applied to music since sound is so easy to manipulate in the mind. Therefore, I sometimes try to prevent examining examples before creating work to ensure I do not collect too much influence from them.

However, there is no denying that copyright has become a significant problem for many creatives in the modern world. For these creatives, copyright law restricts what they can produce, and the threat of severe legal action only makes the situation even worse. One type of creative who faces this more than others are musicians. They find they need to be extremely cautious when creating work, since it is so simple to create music like that of existing music.

A good example of creators being restricted exists on the popular video-sharing website ‘YouTube’. This website has been slandered and in some cases ostracised by content creators and users due to content frequently being removed by ‘YouTube’s moderators. Their decision to remove said content is largely due to what they consider a breach of copyright being found in videos. The creators of parody videos often find their work inaccessible to their audience after removal.
In 2016, Benny and Rafi Fine, the originators of the ‘YouTube’ channel ‘FBE’ (Fine Brothers Entertainment’) sparked outrage after attempting to copyright the word ‘React’ on the website. This meant that if any other creators, famous or not on ‘YouTube’ specifically made a ‘reaction’ video, they would legally be obliged to pay a piece of the video’s revenue to ‘FBE’ or else it would be removed. Another main cause of anger was the fact that the brothers were trying to trademark a type of video which long predated their channel. The idea has been deemed greedy and unethical by thousands. However, after receiving enormous backlash from the media but primarily their own ‘Subscribers’ who have been ‘Unsubscribing’ in massive numbers, the idea and video have since been removed and the brothers have released a public apology. What remains is the threat of a bigger and more successful channel restraining smaller ones who possess potential creativity.

Task 11 and 12: What Students Say

I have to admit that when I found out we had a Research and Communication module I wasn’t particularly thrilled about it, as writing has never been one of my strengths. For this last task I will be analysing my experience from all previous exercises. Notwithstanding, I have to say that although not every part was enjoyable, it definitely broadened my knowledge and encouraged my own self-discovery.

The module started with Task 1 and 2: Online Resources. I got particularly invested in the research of this first writing and was glad to use a book somehow. I found it such a pleasurable feeling when I was able to link past knowledge and new one together. It was like all the information was just sinking in and I didn’t even have to intentionally learn it.

For my second piece of writing: Academic Integrity, I searched one of my favourite artists, Yayoi Kusama. Something I thought would help, however, I was feeling completely uninspired and my research felt quite vague. Nothing, not even websites or books were supporting my thoughts. For this reason, I decided to look for more dynamic and visual sources of information such as videos. These were told first-hand by the artist and were very useful.

Task 5 and 6 was all about Visual Research. I was surprised to find out that this time I was enjoying myself. I guess that thanks to the experience from previous tasks I started finding which process helped me best to potentiate my skills. Instead the mood board was slightly challenging, as a tactile person, having to create a computerised version supposed an added difficulty.

The following exercise was Reflective writing something that required academic reading. This one was definitely the most time-consuming and difficult. I needed to constantly push it aside to let the ideas sink in. For instance, there was so much to talk about and so many complex concepts that it was hard to select and keep the work count to only 500 words.

 My “final” task, number 9 and 10 was Ethical Issues.  This was the only task I found myself looking forward to write. I am genuinely concerned about this topic and it was a wonderful experience to be able to know more about it. I was so pleased to find myself using words with quite precise meanings. Not all the time, however, did I have the exact word in mind, so I, likewise, searched for extra synonyms or word definitions to make sure that the text were varied and fluid.

Writing, in my opinion, is complicated but it is essential to be able to communicate our thoughts through this media. Although I learnt a lot, I realise still how many online sources I used. Something I believe must be improved. On the other hand, I absolutely loved the creative freedom we where given. Improving in this aspect is all about practise and dedication and this has showed me that the harder I push myself, the greater things I am able to produce.

Question pair 2

Does the interactive narrative still have a role to play in a video games today? Give exemplary examples?

Yes, interactive narrative has a huge influence on gaming today as its use spans from larger Triple-A titles to smaller indie titles, this is because interactive narrative allows for decisions to be made by the user making them feel more connected to the game and in-turn improving user experience. Games like Stanley’s parable a great indie game based of making decisions by either defying the narrator or following him allows the game to exist not just inside the confines of a game a but rather becomes one with the user as they feel like every decision made by them directly affects Stanley, this kind of connection can only be created through an interactive narrative and its effective use applied to video games. Another example of interactive narrative is one made by me on twine an interactive narrative story telling creator tool, I made The Amnesia trap as a simple concept of interactive narrative. In my story the user wakes up to the fact that he cannot recall information from day to day this is due to his amnesia, so he has two decisions either reinvent himself or listen to the recordings and try to become himself from yesterday but the word trap in the title suggests he is trapped so either decision made by him leads to him doing the same thing every day with the same decisions, this is an effective use of interactive narrative as it allows for the user to visualize and understand the storyline effectively because they are interacting with the story and seeing it reveal as they click through. I feel like for my game development using interactive narrative will be essential to grab the user’s attention for a prolonged time, this is why I feel like learning about interactive narrative has allowed me to understand how to use it effectively within my game development if ever needed.

Sources and references


Demonstrate the key concepts of the interactive narrative genre using twine. – embed / link to twine!/stories/0f41ef43-17d2-4689-b3b9-4890edb463a8/play!/stories/0f41ef43-17d2-4689-b3b9-4890edb463a8


> A) Why could you say that the “Indie” game scene is not a new thing and explain, give examples ?

The ‘Indie’ scene has been around since before I was born (over 20 years ago) but the scene has come back into the light with indie development teams making and producing games that challenge triple A companies. However, the indie scene actually started somewhere in the late 70’s/early 80’s with the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum. Creators would write their code for a game on either of the devices then that code could be shared or published into magazines such as ‘COMPUTE!’ where anyone could take that code, spend a tedious amount of time typing it in to their own device before being able to play the game that another game enthusiast like that had created. In a sense, this was the first wave of indie, with average people creating their own games for anyone to use and play without the control of gaming companies, leaving them free to make whatever they wanted.

The second wave of indie came in around the late 1990’s and early 2000’s with websites such as Newgrounds (1995), Kongregate (2006), Miniclip (2001) and Andkon Arcade (2006) which hosted thousands of free games created by people who just wanted to make something of their own and share it with the world. During the time of the second wave new Flash games were continuously being made and played and there was little to no way in which bigger gaming companies could compete with the mass of small time creators as all their content was free for anyone who wanted it. So it is fair to say that the indie scene is nothing new and in fact, we’re in roughly the third or fourth wave of indie.

> B) Has the term indie become meaningless ?

Where I believe that the term ‘indie’ has not become meaningless, I do think that its definition has somewhat changed over the years as well as the content under the term. By that I mean that indie is still something done on a somewhat small budget (comparative to AAA companies) but now indie games are not restricted to parts of the internet, Flash based games and have a much wider audience. Indie games can now compete with the big-name gaming companies and sometimes surpass them which is a stark contrast to how things were before.

For some indie games and their respective development teams, the category doesn’t quite fit as the quality of the content far outdoes what the common consensus is for what an indie game should be. An example would be Red Barrels Studios who are the people responsible for the Outlast games, two games and a DLC which look up to industry standard. With just 17 people on the team (as a of 2017), Red Barrels are creating content that is so well produced that it doesn’t feel like an indie game anymore. As well as that, the games were ported from PC to Xbox and PlayStation, again something that indie creators would never get before.

True though, these cases of what I can only describe as ‘AAA Indie’ are uncommon considering the ratio of AAA Indie to Indie is relatively small, it still does beg the question of how relevant the term indie is. In many cases, the term still is relevant but there is a rising need for a new term for these bigger games.


Anderson, N. (2012) First encounter: COMPUTE! magazine and its glorious, tedious type-in code. arstechnica [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 December 2017]
Co, A. (2017) Now Loading…Why Do Some People Not Consider Indie Games “Real” Games?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 December 2017]
CircleToonsHD (2017) Indie Games VS AAA Games

Available at [Accessed 2 December 2017]

Task 9 // Philosophy and Theory and Politics

For this task I chose to look at is Anselm Kiefer’s piece called Deutschlands Geisteshelden (German Spiritual Heroes), created in 1973. The large monumental painting caused controversy and was met with widely conflicting opinions. His work often deals with themes related to German History and national identity, including the Holocaust. As he was expressing about something that huge happened in the German History which was the holocaust. It had created a lot of controversy at the time as it was post-war and it was a taboo subject matter. The painting depicts an empty wooden room reminiscent of medieval architecture with tapers burning at intervals along the wall. The emptiness creates an unsettling feeling to the viewers. Many audience saw it differently as of the title creating confusion. The theory I noticed through his work is how he wanted to emote his feeling and opinions based on the catastrophic events that occurred at the time. He was one of the few artists to talk about the issue through his work, creating a legacy of the nation’s brutality.

Design and Games

What were the key ideas of the Bauhaus?


It is hard to say how architecture , design and art would look like today if there was no Bauhaus. Famous German art school had a huge impact on these areas, furthermore influenced the development of modernist architecture and reinforced abstract tendency in art. Significance of the Bauhaus stems from innovative ideas and radical changes of views on different fields of art.

Bauhaus building, Dessau, 1925-1926

The key concept invented by members of the Bauhaus is functionalism which have become constant element of space design. Functionality was not only based on human body measurements but also psychology as they thought that emotional needs are no less important. In Bauhaus school of art everything, including value of modern architecture, depended on human being. People get such an architecture to which they matured. They found out that space arrangement influences the way of how people act and think so they aimed that whilst designing.

Repetitive forms have been introduced and elements enabling various combinations have become crucial. There were minimum of decorations, although all the space was occupied. On the other hand architecture regulates relations between nature, technology and humanity and it was carefully considered. Therefore, placement of the building was not random and windows constituted important issue as they can relate landscape with interior.

House am Horn, Weimar, 1923

Members of the Bauhaus put great effort into integrating all fields of art and creating an aesthetical  and technical unity. Moreover, all divisions between artists, craftsmen and industrialists blurred. The concept of an architect as creator of buildings turned into designer of community living and that is why this role is now so relevant. Thanks to the Bauhaus architects have become as well artists as scientists.


Do you feel that the ideas could have an influence on contemporary games design?


Innovative ideas of Bauhaus art school influenced almost every field of design. The reason for this is that the core thing about their activity is not creating any specific style or theme but completely new approach to perceiving the world. This approach can be translated also into games design.

One of the most visible similarities between Bauhaus’ ideology and contemporary games design is where the main inspiration comes from. In both cases it is human. Houses we live in must be suitable to our needs, as well as games we play. The way they are designed is driven not only by abilities, but also emotions of users. Psychological aspect of design was very important for the members of the Bauhaus and so do games designers who involve our emotionality in their creations to keep players on the edge of their seats.

The other thing which could have an influence on contemporary design is functionalism. We can observe the limitation of unnecessary things also on the field of creating games. There are no unexplorable levels and needless rules in games. Everything matches together and even the least element of gameplay is involving.

Usage of repetitive forms in projects of the Bauhaus could have inspired some of games designers. There is full bunch of games on the subject of matching similar elements and solving puzzles such as Tetris, Bejeveled etc.

Bejeveled 3

Vague division between members of the Bauhaus reappears among games designers. Their job demands advanced skills in various areas such as writing, mathematics and art. If someone takes care for only one a little part of game then he is not a games designer in whole meaning of this word.


Taking all this into consideration, it is certain that the Bauhaus school of art have a huge impact on contemporary games design. Even if not directly, a lot of modern ideas have their source in the Bauhaus.



Task 7/8- Reflective Writing

Taste, Fashion and The French Fashion Magazine

For task 7/8 we had the choice of reading 2 different texts out 2 books, I chose to look at the first text from ‘Taste, Fashion and The French Fashion Magazine’ by Sander Miller it explains the rise and struggles of the first few fashion and lifestyle magazines published in and around Europe in the 16 and 17 hundred’s, during the enlightenment in late 17th centaury and the French revolution in 1789. The authors and publishers, such as Jean Donneau de Vise, Fredrish Melchior von Grimm, Henri Bidou and many more created and published many magazines around England and parts of europe, in which they wanted to explore or showcase the different trends and fashions but also the work of other designers like, interiors. By doing this they wanted to create a window for the fashion world to bring fashion designers to the forefront making their work to be appreciated in the way other artists such as painters and musicians do.

The magazines where used as a platform to make fashion more of a common interest, influencing women on the finest clothes and creating fashions and trends. In the book ‘Adorned In Dreams’ by Elizabeth Wilson, she states “The mass production of fashionable styles- itself highly contradictory, links the politics of fashion to fashion as art. It is connected both to the evolution of styles that circulate in ‘high’ and avant garde art; and to popular culture and taste”. From reading the first chapter, in ‘Taste, Fashion and The French Fashion Magazine’ by Sanda Miller. The text mainly discussed the ideas of taste and how this can alter or effect how we critique objects or work and how other people critique different things differently because they have a different taste, but it also making a valid critique. For example, Immanuel Kant states from the text ‘Taste, Fashion and The French Fashion Magazine’, “our subjective experience
 ‘Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’- affirms that there is no common denominator in our likes and dislikes”. This back’s up the idea of people having different concepts of ‘taste’, meaning no critique can be wrong. I found when reading this I thought It was a good concept as I may like a certain style of paintings and appreciate them where as others may have a different style to me therefore could disagree with my liking of certain works of art.

Barlett, Cole & Rocamora (e.d) 2013, Fashion Media: Past and Present, London: Bloomsbury

Wilson, E, (2003) Adorned In Dreams. United Kingdom: I.B Taurus & CO Ltd.



The counterculture emerged in early 1960s in USA and in UK, then spilled over into other western countries. The counterculture name suggest this is a culture that is against something but against what? In 1960s the cold war cold reached a climax with the Cuban Missile crisis with the world on verge of nuclear war. The newest generation come of age during this time and began to question the norms and values of their dominate culture. The different groups such as African Americans, woman’s, gays and lesbians began to demand their rights. Civil right and freedom of speech become central to creating a society that was more inclusive revolution and many of the protests began. So in principle the counterculture of the 1960s and early 1970s was thus a mixture of people, ideas, events, circumstances, and technological developments. These developments made exceptionally rapid change.  The new generation become rebellious by welcome sex, drugs and pop music.


OZ magazine was an underground alternative magazine. OZ pushed the boundaries during a time of cultural and political upheaval. As times were changing and new generation were becoming more to new views.

This magazine is simplistic, relying heavily on typography. The most prominent feature is the cartoonish face in the middle, using the hand-rendered “OZ” as the eyes- thought simplistic in design and colour, this illustration works effectively in showing the tongue in cheek spirit of this underground publication. The rest of the poster is composed of typographic work, using only 2 typefaces decreasing in size. This heavy amount of information, conveyed mainly in Helvetica, contrasting with the illustration portrays the ideals and meaning behind Oz magazine – the combination of the crude culture of underground press and its hardline activist journalism.
