Task 9/10 Ethics

Duncan Quinn in 2003 created a fashion brand to make their gentlemen service style of the suit .His website described himself: “although Duncan from London, his view of the world is seriously affected by years of learning about food, in the description of southern France wine and life” he put himself into a sincere, has the tutelage, understand the delight of life, He describe a person who has a quality of life style of a perfect gentleman. However, after seeing this picture will find

Duncan Quinn behavior and his own brand positioning and opposite

This picture is Duncan Quinn’s first advertisement. This photo is reflected not only the question of moral bottom line, but also a series of social moral problems, such as the smell of violence, and so on.

Firstly, this picture of male models in neat suit and leather shoes without wrinkles .  On the contray, the female model has messy hair and the neck is also tied like an animal by the male model . It is not difficult to see the men’s messy collar . and this tie is took down by men model .He use his own tie to bond this women . Artist Aida Emelyanova said:”women not just a piece of meat ” but this advertisement is  materialized in female .All the details described that Women are not only objects but also men’s appendages, and they are declaring that men have an absolute dominance in the world.Then, in today’s twenty-first Century,  we have always held an attitude of opposition and condemnation on gender inequality . What puzzles me is why this advertisement is contrary to the mainstream view of society. Is it really something that the gentleman brand does? Because the so-called

freedom can constantly refresh the bottom line of people’s morality? I don’t see any respect for women from this picture only Duncan Quinn studios have a stereotype for women

Secondly, from this picture, I felt a violent atmosphere, revealing women exposed to violence against women in the car tend to cover the details, and the form of advertising’s greed picture not only on women even the children are an insult to mental injury

Thirdly,I think this picture is not to depict vivid images of women .And to a certain extent, damaging the image of men .Because this picture demonstrates the contents and their brand positioning completely draw further apart . This photo not reveals the gentleman’s image but a image of hypocrite .So, this can not help but make people doubt whether their hearts like a neat and elegant appearance they like or like the male image presented in this picture as the surface clean and inward is filthy on these “gentlemen”s real inner world

Overall, This blatant sexism and the indulgence of violence makes me think people need to rethink where the bottom line of people’s morality is.



Aida Emelyanova  Availible from: http://aida emelyanova.com [Accessed 29 November 2017]

Duncan Quinn (2014)  Shop. Availible from: http://duncanquinn.com [Accessed 29 November 2017]


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