Task 4

Choose one of the indie designers / developers and outline why there work and approach is of interest to you.

The indie designer I have chosen is Toby Fox for his work on Undertale, he stood out to me because he created the entire game alone along with a full sound track and graphics, although the graphics in the game aren’t the best for a game that came out in 2015, the whole game was made in the game engine “Game maker: Studio” and is available on multiple platforms including PS4, PS Vita and PC. I found it really interesting that he wanted to develop a role playing game that was different to the standard RPG that he said he found boring, he wanted likable and interesting characters and that “utilizes the medium as a storytelling device … instead of having the story and game play abstractions be completely separate”. Another thing that I like about Toby is that he decided to work on his game independently to avoid relying on others, this may have been the reason that the game took 2.7 years to create but I respect him for making the entire game independently. He even said that if he where to have an entire art team the character design would stay the same because he found that “there’s a psychological thread that says audiences become more attached to characters drawn simply rather than in detail” which I found very interesting.

Image result for toby fox Image result for undertale characters

(Toby Fox in top pic)

What do you think could be one of the most exciting indie projects that are in development?

One of the most exciting indie projects in development for me is probably TUNIC which is supposed to be released in 2018, not much about the game is known at the moment but after watching some clips of the game and an interview with the developer Andrew Shouldice, I am excited to play the game when it is released, it is a gorgeous Zelda type adventure game with the main character being a fox, There is only one trailer from E3 last year and the graphics look stunning, the game play smooth and the mechanics of the character seem to be fast and smooth from the trailer, although some games like No mans sky have made up things about there games at E3 and other game events so its best to not get your hopes too high. Essentially the game is about a small fox in a big world who is exploring the wilderness, discovering spooky ruins and fighting creatures from long ago, its soon to be released on most platforms such as PS4 XBOX ONE and PC.

Image result for Tunic game


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