final task

From these research tasks I have learnt that there is more to art than the design. There are different categories, such as modern and post-modern art that determine the style of design. It is important to research the meaning of the design if any as it could be different to what you presume.

Completing these blogs has given me the skills to write in the Harvard style and consider different opinions for art work. I will use this style of writing within my future annotations and when completing research tasks. Looking into reviews and articles on art pieces has given me the opportunity to find new information and give me a whole new opinion entirely. Using quotes within my work also helps me to elaborate and express my opinion.

My favourite lecture was looking into post modernism as the art included within the talk caught my eye and was interesting to hear how they are related to other post modern pieces. We viewed my favourite subjects photography and graphic design which I am strongly into. To complete the blog from this lecture I looked into Nick Knight and Shepard Fairey who I have previously looked into in past projects. Both of their work are bold, eye-catching and create conversation. They both understand the power of red within art work and use it a lot to create an impact on their viewer. I have also learnt from looking at all the different pieces of artwork through the lectures that contrasting, limited colours such red and black creates an amazing impact on the design. For my illustration project we looked at using the photocopier to print out designs in black then using spots of design to overlap red. Doing this created an great effect that i will be using in future outcomes.

For the task looking into underground artwork I researched into the Oz magazine. I found it very interesting to learn how their brand was banned for being explicit with their designs but have recently been recovered and shared online. This shows how society have changed their opinion on explicit art work. This generation are much more accepting and willing to share so Oz have seized the opportunity to post and display their magazines online. From doing this they have been able to reach a wider audience but this will also degrade the physical magazine value as it can be viewed by everyone online.

From looking at photographers within the tasks I have been inspired for my next photography rotation. I have seen a variety of images also mixed with graphic work that could be used to influence my own photography work. I have even considered choosing Photography as a pathway as I can see how amazing photographs can change a view or even a persons life.

From completing these tasks and researching so many different artists will expand my influences and consider being more adventurous within my practical work.

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