
What do you see as the positives and negatives around copyright?

The positives behind copyright law is that it allows peoples work to be protected from other people trying to duplicate or take their work without their permission, because of the copyright law if people do anything to break that copyright law, the persons work that was taken, they have the right to act and take action upon the person who broke that law, so this law can be beneficial to artists, writers, musicians and any other business that create creative work. The negative part of copyright is that the copyright law restricts free speech, it restricts you from, painting, doing performance, writing and anything else that people might do to create something and because of this restriction people are sometimes scared to make something new because of this copyright law.

I think that the copyright Law can be improved upon, as of right now it is not perfect and it can use some fine tuning, because right now the copyright law is very strict and it has not leniency on people trying to create new content so I think that it should be toned down a bit to allow people to be creative and give people a chance to show off their work without having to worry about them breaking the copyright law.

Is it possible to make anything new?

I think that at times the copyright law can sometimes encourage and discourage people from being creative and creating something new, sometimes copyright laws can encourage people that are protected by copyright to create new pieces of work that have not being done before and it encourages those people more incentive to create better pieces of work. On the other hand, copyright laws can discourage creativity in people that are new to a certain industry for example Music is the worst when it comes to copyright infringements because there have been many lawsuits that have gone on a long time and have cost people a lot of money.

But I think that the copyright law forces people to be different and create new things, because as time has gone on people have created new things and that is not going to change, people might take inspiration from other people but that is good because then with that inspiration people can create new things that were not made before and as time goes on more and more things will be created, I think that because of the copyright law it will force people to think differently. copyright was originally designed to restrict publishers from exerting too much control over information; today it constrains individuals from creating new works. This is because, in America at least, the duration of copyrights has increased (from 28 years in the 19th century to as much as 95 years today).

This was a old high school badge before they changed it.

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