Task 9 and 10

Ethical issues in fashion and textile advertising

Instead of talking about just one of the pictures I have decided to talk about them has a whole as they both share the same problems and ethical issues. Both of these images draw a close line between advertisement and soft pornography. I understand that advertisement is about pushing boundaries and capturing the audience’s attention, however, both of these images approach ethical issues that have been fought over for many years and continue being argued about to this very day.

Even though both of these images relate they do differ from each other for example Duncan Quinn touches on the idea of male dominance, the gentleman in this picture dressed smart to represent this idea of power and importance. He stands over her barely touching her with what looks likes a stick as if to say that she is not worth it but some how he is forcing her to do things she does not want to be doing. This closely relating to many films like ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and ‘Fatal Attraction’.

On the other hand, the American Apparel advert seems to portray that she is willing to be used as sexual exploitation. Even so both of theses images put the viewer on edge, they are almost disturbing to see, erotic advertisement to sell clothes to the general buyer should not be the way to go especially when it comes to feminist theory.

Amanda Monteiro has written an article on collective evolution called “If men were exploited the same way women are in the fashion industry…”.

She goes into saying that if the roles were switched so the male became the subject instead of females would it be less upsetting. In my opinion I think it would be a lot less upsetting purely down to the fact that the advertisement industry in primarily run by males for example one photographer that stood out for me who has exploited women in many advertisements is Terry Richardson. I found a news article in the guardian stating that “A string of fashion magazines and brands have said they will no longer work with the photographer Terry Richardson, who has been the subject of allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior at photo-shoots for almost two decades”. The problem I have with this is why has it taken people so long to realize that what he and many others are doing is wrong and inappropriate with a professional environment like the fashion industry. I understand that things are finally changing but even so companies and advertisers are still finding way to push the bounderies for example the ethics within culture or child sex-ploitation. It needs to come to the point where they need to realize that the normal consumer does not want to see this and it is important in my eyes that things continue to change and develop with the advertisement industry.



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