Task 11 and 12


Over the past 10 weeks we have been given a range of tasks to help us obtain new skills and grow/work on skills that we may have already had, each task being posted weekly to the WSA digital blog. This task involves reflecting on my research and communication journey over the past weeks and seeing how much these tasks have built up my confidence in writing and essay writing skills.

Task 1 included gathering 3 images from varies sources such as a magazine or website but based on our current studio project or something we were interested in. I found it difficult at first to find an image and spent a few hours excessively searching through the library to find a book that I could relate to, this was due to my lack of knowledge on how to use the WSA library, something I have now improved on over the past few months I have been here. I focused my images on Alexander McQueen, one of my favourite designers who inspired me to start my journey into the fashion industry. Through doing this task I was able to get a deeper understanding of actually how easy it is to find museums and journal articles relating to what you are studying and really vary your knowledge and range of sources.

I found Task 2 particuly easy has I had previously used the Harvard referencing system in college to reference all my work so when this task came around, to reference a book, website and paper article, I relished the task and was able to complete it with ease giving me reassurance that I was confident with this skill.

I found task 3 both challenging but surprisingly quite interesting. The task was to research into an artist’s inspiration and create a mood board based on what we find. This bit I found really interesting, the artists I based this of was Iris Van Herpen a Swedish modernist fashion designer who I was very inspired by myself, however, when looking into what inspired her I wasn’t shocked with the outcome. Each of the artists/designers that I found I could see within her work, she had taken bits from each and combined to create her own outstanding pieces of work.

Task 4 for me was the hardest. I find reading complicated texts very tedious and quite boring especially when I’m not interested in the subject of the text. In this case many of the words within the text were very complicated to me and of which I did not understand, because of this I put of doing this task for a while. I did however complete this task with hast and learnt that I’m not as shy and nervous about writing as I thought I was boosting my confidence in writing better improved essays.

Task 5, the final task to talk about was by far my favourite. I was so interested in the ethics subject to the point I could have kept writing about it way beyond the boundaries of the 500-word limit. This is something I defiantly want to look into further in the future.

I have learnt so much over the past 6 weeks and gained a large skill set in which I can now take on into the future. I am so much more confident in writing and am now more prepared for essay writing next semester.

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