task 5-6 mood board


Fashion Photograph By

                       Matthieu Belin

In my image, there is a model modelling a garment on top of a roof top which seems to be a hot country. The garment she is wearing is in line with the top of the wall which creates a well organised and choreographed image. The floor in the image is wet and creates a reflection of her legs as well as the shadow casting up the wall behind her. The mood of the image is quite happy as the vibrant colours create this effect as well as the half smile on her face.


The image is simply showing off a fashion labels clothing range but there is a lot more context behind the image and moods that Matthieu Belin is trying to give off. One being the upper class and the riches, I get this mood from the holiday/Villa looking scene, not only this but she is wearing a high-class coat as well as holding a purse in what appears to be a hot summers day. The line matching up with the top of the wall could resemble how smart the clothing is, it’s like they are saying nothing is miss placed.

If you compare it to this image taken by a fashion photographer called Carlos Nunez, it is a lot more polishes. The Nunez image gives off a more rough and untidy vibe as the model’s hair is all messy and the facial expression is moodier, the location is more rural and deserted rather than urban like the other image. The clothing worn by the model is more relaxed and casual.

In conclusion, the image I have chosen seems very simple and basic but gives off many possibilities and moods if you look deeper in to the image.


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