Task 3-4

Task 2 Primary and secondary resources

The book-  Alexander McQueen: Genius of a generation

Author- Kristin Knox

Published- 07/05/2010

Chapter- Summer/Spring collection

Photographer- Unknown

Image description- This is an image of a design by Alexander McQueen, it is a garment that I feel slightly links to myproject through the strips of fabric.

Website description: The Harrods website

Website link: https: //www.harrods.com/en-gb/designers/alexander-mcqueen?cid=PPC_UK_GGL_alexander_mcqueen_exact_nb_d_alexander_mcqueen&_cclid=v3_ab2cb8f7-45b6-551d-ba64-018a20eab79a&gclid=CjwKCAjw7MDPBRAFEiwAppdF9PJIZue7qsSzWbxLWAEsFk9NfWskEGYa9V5ATmSEnYoOQY45zGS9pRoCPpcQAvD_BwE

Photographer: Unknown

Image description: Women modelling clothing from the alexander McQueen branch on a beach.

This is an image of a website that talks and reviews the Alexander McQueen exhibition called Savage Beauty. It gives lots of information on his creations/designs, so combing and linking these three research methods can supply me with lots of information.

My process consisted of finding a book on the library website that was interesting to me, this being the Alexander McQueen, “Genius of a generation” I choose a garment he designed that I felt was relevant to my project at the time and this was looking at lines and in my case strips draping down from the garment. This reminded me of the research and the content I was looking at previously.

When it came to finding a website that fit the criteria of the Alexander McQueen book, I found the website, “Harrods” this supplied me with an image of a garment from his clothing range that still grows following his tragic death. So, the garment was the object from a website that I found.

For the collection sector, I found an exhibition From V and A called “Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty” This had shown the different garments and design process in his work. As well as this it shows us close up details of the garments.

I found out different types of information from my different methods of search, one being Alexander McQueen trained in to become a fashion designer on Savile Row. Another is that Sarah Burton is in charge now that McQueen has passed. I have gathered tis information from the harrods website. I discovered that the garment I choose from the ‘genius of a generation’ book was part of the summer/spring collection in 2001. the intent of the modals positioning was a baby bird trying to catch a wing. I discovered from the ‘Savage beauty’ website that the exhibition took place on the 2nd of August 2015.

to conclude these research methods, I have discovered that using books from the library can provide you with a lot more original and reliable information, as well as this it is more factual than a website as it had been published by an actual author. From the book, I was able to discover more personal information about the photograph/object. So, overall gathering information from a book is a lot more authentic and original than gathering information from the internet. The internet can provide you with false information and as well as this people end rip with very similar information as it is the easiest way to gather it.

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