Task 10

A passionate expression of the human condition and its ineffability.

Within my practice, I typically gravitate towards portraiture that express a blend between realism and abstraction. I am not interested in painting the human visage in meticulous detail, I prefer to experiment with the colours of the skin, hair and eyes to convey a variety of emotions or thoughts that normally remains unsaid. My art is very personal, I share an intimate relationship with the work I produce, and they are not designed to be political but rather expressive. Within this piece, I have chosen to illustrate one of my greatest fears: the erosion of love and passion. In a world where divorce rates are rapidly increasing, and the traditional morals of faithful relationships are depleting, it is undeniably inevitable for most people to express anxiety and pessimism towards love. The two faces in the centre of the canvas are youthful and brimming with passion; they are layered with rich, warm colours of fiery red and orange which radiates optimism and spontaneity. However, as the viewer’s eyes drift further way from the centre, they are confronted with two ghostly faces that are gradually fading away. These grey, lifeless faces are antithetical to the other high-spirited faces; much like our youthful bodies, the vehement relationship that the couple once embraced has now withered and gone cold. Their love and passion are now just a distant lingering memory that they meander away from thus becoming hostile and desolate.

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