Own – Copyright

What do you see as the positives and negatives around copyright?

Copyright helps people to maintain their creative works such as videos and music. Almost all artist mediums are covered in copyright however copyright does have some negative aspects. The laws surrounding copyright can be very useful in helping people to maintain their own work. One advantage of copyright is that it gives the creator automatic copyright protection which means when work it originally created it automatically comes under copyright protection law meaning it belongs to you if it is original and not reproducing in any shape or form. Defending intellectual property rights is another advantage of copyright law. When you create a work, you don’t want someone else to steal it and claim it as their own this is where copyright law enables you to defend your own property. However, copyright right law is not always positive, it can have several negative effects such as the price of enforcing copyright law. Small businesses can suffer when they try to enforce copyright law on larger companies because it can be expensive to defend copyright cases. In addition, it can expensive to even register your product for copyright protection. All together this does not help small businesses who feel they are being down trodden on.

Is it possible to make anything new?

I think that it is possible to create something new using influences from outside of the medium being used, everyone is unique and has their own experiences that they can add to their art. Thereby nothing created will ever be the same. The term Avant Garde can be best used to describe a new wave of art that pushes the boundaries and norms. The Avant Garde movement is creating art that is unlike anything we have seen before, dada, cubism are examples of artists pushing boundaries and being creative. Every artist has their own approach and using this to create something new is not difficult with the amount of influences you can take from many mediums.








Norman, D. (1988). The Design of Everyday Things.

Lebowitz, J. (2011). Interactive Storytelling for Video Games.


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