Nathan Pine – Task 12

I have chosen to speak about one of my own images. I chose this painting as it was the first piece of artwork that came to mind. My image is A1 in size and emits an unusual, eerie atmosphere due to the dark background and blue and white smudged paint on the edges as well as the multi-colour sphere floating off centre of the image. I believe if this image was much larger the viewer would really be able to get fully immersed in this abstract landscape I have created and really get to strongly feel the unusual atmosphere of this image. So perhaps for further experimentation I could create a much larger piece with the similar format and concept of this particular image to see if it does indeed change the mood of the artwork. So in order to transform this image on a larger-scale I would simply just draw out the sphere in pencil like I did for the original piece and make sure to abide by the same make-up of the original; keeping the sphere off centre and the white and blue smudges in the left and right edges. Of course it would appear slightly different as it is near impossible to create an exact copy of an image, however this may prove to be beneficial.

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