A Short Analysis of Two Images

The poster ā€˜Hopeā€™ (Fairey, S, 2008) used during the ā€œDuring the 2008 U.S. presidential electionā€ (p50,Heller & Vienna, 2012) was created over a photograph of the candidate using block colours creating gesture of what I can only assume is American dream, supported by the title ā€œHopeā€ laid across the bottom of the poster. Something provocative for voters during national poverty and political disillusionment. Colours used allude to connotations of ā€œtrust, authority, seduction, dangerā€ (Color Matters, 2017) which could subconsciously implant and enforce the idea to vote Barack Obama into Presidency.

The ā€œMonument for V.Tatlinā€ is more of a use of ā€œsituationalā€ application of the arts to


communicate a tribute to the architect Vladimir Tatlinā€™s ā€œunrealised Tower of 1920, Monument to the Third Internationalā€ (p.26, Hodge, 2012). ā€œIt was devoid of personal expressionā€ (p.26, Hodge, 2012), this indicates that this work was more for intended to commemorate a design and that only. But looking closer and more in depth it is visible that the use of lights has structured the entire model, lights burn out was this a subliminal homage to the fact that Tatlin ā€embraced several technological advancesā€ Ā Ā in his design .

(p.26, Hodge, 2012)




Applying additional Depth within my work to instil ideas into otherā€™s minds is something I find fascinating. I think use of critical use of theory such as ā€œColor Theoryā€ (Bleicher, 2005) provides contextual depth within work providing deeper narrative going beyond what is solely provided within the image. In addition historical factors to provide background and narrative context into my work.


Fairey, S. (2008. Hope. [Online] October 2008. Available at http://www.iknowtheledge.com/comedy/shepard-fairey-on-the-colbert-report [Accessed 06/12/2017]

Heller, S & Vienna, V. (2012) 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.

Color Matters (2017) J.L. Morton [Online] Available at https://www.colormatters.com/color-symbolism [Accessed 06/12/2017]

Hodge, S (2012) Page 26 Why Your Five Year Old Could Not Have Done That. London :Thames & Hudson.

Bliecher, S (2005) Contemporary Color Theory and Use. Boston: Cenage Learning 2005

Flavin, D. (1966). ‘Monument’ for V. Tatlin [Online] Available at http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/flavin-monument-for-v-tatlin-t01323 [Accessed 06/12/2017].