Task 11

Research and communication skills has got me thinking in ways I wouldn’t usually, with each task testing my abilities and thought processes. Also, applying these different ways of thinking to the projects set and giving me new and exciting insight on ways to develop my practice has helped. Especially when reviewing and reflecting on gallery visits, this has made me think about what I have seen in a different perspective. As well as helping me to apply and think more about the theory behind what I have been creating.

The task to ‘devise a mode of practice’ initially struck me as something which I would struggle with, however after giving it some thought and applying my current practice to the question I soon got very much involved with this task and enjoyed it thoroughly. And so, the blog has been a great way to reflect on my work throughout semester one and to improve my writing skills. Overall I believe that this module has been very helpful and I will continue to write blog posts which link to my work as it is extremely helpful to reflect and think about what I have been influenced by and where my practice is going throughout my development.

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