
Throughout the Research and Communication Skills module, I have changed to explore the history of art, the connect with culture, social and political issues, such as Counter Culture and postmodernist,  and also know how it developed through the years.

This course lets me realized the life form and thought of the time how powerful influence on design, when people design work, they can’t only focus on their work, also should see other people work more learning their creative thinking, to understand a more diverse culture. Because others artworks always can inspire people to get a new point. There have lines in the Pirates of Silicon Valley ‘Good artist’s copy, great artists steal.’ This is a quote from Shakespeare. This way’ s creation is similar to incremental innovation. But what we learn from others works like a lot of different points, when the day we want to do some design, they can be our power and form a complete image.

With a deep research, I learned and saw the movie about Christoph Niemann who is one of my favorite designers. I love the way he combines the real thing to complete his illustrate. One of the New Yorker covers I like is designed by Christoph Niemann. It is a woman takes the subway and comes out of the subway. These two cover were connected wonderfully with the woman motion. Christoph Niemann good at use the combine of life supplies and drawing to create designs which also means two different texture form an image. Combining two different things into one picture and creating the visual impact is the things I interested in. I want to explore the plane composition in the design. Also, the attitude of life is also what we can learn. We can look for beauty at every moment and every place of life, instead of only thinking about how to work when we design.

The psychedelic expression is also the point I am into and want to learn. The word of psychedelic always appear in the postmodernism, it was also a kind of life culture and thoughtful feedback, because, after world war II, the doubts about life and the yearning for freedom came to people. When I am looking at the pictures which were designed in that moment, I feel yearning. Victor Moscoso is a designer I know who is good at psychedelic design between 1960s-10970s. I like these because it gives me visual pleasure, I even do not need to think a lot to understanding what the design means but I can feel it. Thought the color in the poster is bright and exaggerated. The use of the color composition is thought carefully by the designer.

The Research and Communication Skills course is a way to push I learn about the old design and others design that is a good way to study. It let me have a deep thinking with other artwork. In my opinion, I can always learn their idea design and find the way I interested. I want to find a balance in the picture, whatever is the plane composition or color composition.

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