The first time I know Christoph Niemann is a media which introducing New Yorker. The first picture I got is the New Yorker cover from Christoph Niemann, it is for the 90th-anniversary issue. He always draws handing at first. In this picture, we can see the texture has the feeling of ink painting or crayon painting. The woman on the cover seems like an Asian woman, I think this texture can combine different feeling together. The color most is warm with different shades of orange and pink. Different color can make the poster has rich layers of feeling. The green-grey was interspersed in the warm color and interspersed illustrate. The artwork makes people feel peaceful and warm.
The second picture is Fukuda used Beethoven’s head as the basic form to carry out the replacement of the elements. Fukuda Shigeo is a Japanese designer. Looking at these works from a distance, you can know who is the character in the poster. But when we look at the hair part of him, it’s made up of different graphic elements. Here, notes, birds, horses and other graphics but these elements are not related, bur show the rich image from the designer. I like this poster because this poster shows different element how to keep a balance on the whole thing.
Gunter Ram bow always said ‘Poetry, art, and literature are something people can feel every day. It’s everywhere. People can find it just by looking at it.’ He uses different texture to get the visual difference and combined with the processing of art, but it always has the other different deep meanings. Leland design lots of poster about potato which he considers to be German national culture. His potato poster is not about the potato itself, but about the magic of creative and visual effects. He cuts the potato and uses different and bright color to show the division of space. The black background makes the potato and its inside color have a strong combine. Through the superposition of contour line and color, the color makes different space to us, and the whole relationship with the part forms some deep space.