“Technology is the mortal enemy of art”

As time progress and new forms of technology and programs are made, with that comes inventive and new art techniques created by artist all the time. In contrast to that, in the book ā€˜Manifesto of the Constructivist Groupā€, Aleksandr Rodchenko states his view by saying ā€œTechnology is the mortal enemy of artā€. Although I believe that there comes many more benefits with technology but I can grasp and understand the view of Rodchenko.

Modern art is infused with technology, digital work is the norm now a days. Traditional standards seem to have been but on the side, medias such as stencil work, oil painting and the use of actually ink are rarely seen and viewed by the majority. Through modern technology many traditional techniques can be achieved through the screen, furthering new artist from the physical side of art, which I agree with however itā€™s through technology making some situations of creating easier allowing for more interaction for humans entering our creative world.

ā€œWhere would the Impressionists have been without theĀ invention of portable paint tubesĀ that enabled them to paint outdoors?” quote by Randy Rieland. Yes I agree fully with this opinion, new technology and inventions of current and even those of the past will draw us further from what was but ultimately, there were made to progress us creatively.



Randy Rieland (2014), ā€œWhere would the Impressionists have been without theĀ invention of portable paint tubesĀ that enabled them to paint outdoors?” :Ā https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/7-ways-technology-is-changing-how-art-is-made-180952472/

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