task 6 – postmodernism

From what I can see post modern art is a reaction to modern art. Post modern art is bold, unique and unusual. It is there to create a reaction from the viewer and open a new eye to art. Post modern art adds a twist to basic art.

This wall art completed by Shepard Fairey reveals a deeper meaning to the use of guns and violence around the world. Shepard has transformed a poster design into a mural within the streets of It stood out to me as I am a big believer in banning guns within certain countries, the aesthetic of the painting is also pleasing. the use of red black and white creates emotion and contrast. The blood reflects blood but the white sheds light and hope against the flowers/peacefulness.

Nick Knights ‘Skinhead’ photojournal looks into fashion, culture and the lives of east London youths within the late 70’s, early 80’s. His photographs capture interesting moments and events that have great outcomes and create amazing photographs. Using the black and white filter helps the viewer focus on the meaning behind the photo. Subcultureslist article on the book share the opinion of “the pictures are uniformly excellent”, “they all have a suitably grainy, gritty quality that works quite well, and many are taken in close-up, with wide angle lenses that give a literally in-your-face and confrontational feel.”

Ed Fella i an artist inspired by typography, shape and colour. He is creative with his designs and I am inspired by his uniqueness. Ed is adventurous with his layout within his designs and doesn’t use any rules to please the viewers eye. Ed deconstructs the meaning of graphic designer and makes it his own. He uses a range of materials to create pieces that are childlike but professional. Ed is a great artist to look at for influence when creating illustrations.





Nick Knight Skinhead review, available at: http://subcultureslist.com/skinheads/skinhead-books/nick-knight-skinhead/

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