Task 11, Encapsulation

When looking back at the progress I have made throughout the blog I have realised that knowledge and skill on written work and artist research has grown.Ā The blog has helped me to explore various modes of practice and look further into the history and making of different movements; the transformation of art itself.

It has also helped me in learning the value of the ā€˜strategic approachedā€™. By learning more about different artists, political views and theories it has helped me work develop into more personal pieces based upon world wide issues, such as racism.Ā The blog has taught me how to assimilate the history of art better, and developed the ways in which I place it into my own work.

I found that ā€˜Task 7ā€™ was by far the most challenging; to compare two texts by Richard Serra and Leo Steinberg. Reading and interpreting what the two artists were trying to say hard due to the vocabulary used throughout. Furthermore I struggled to summarise the texts because they were both based of two different practices within art. Although I do find the history of the transformation interesting.

Overall I found that although some tasks were difficult, they forced myself to be push forward in my own pathway. It helped to summarise reflections, lectures and critics.Ā It is beneficial in the sense of learning more about art movements and developing understanding of the concepts behind each artist/ art movements work and their influences.

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