Summary of blog
The range of the questions in the blog has helped to develop my understanding of Art Practice. This has been further informed by reviewing exhibitions; Art pieces, texts/books and reviewing own practice. I found task 3 very useful because I had never took the opportunity to review an exhibition that I have been to before and this helped me understand and enjoy the exhibition further. I found task 7 most challenging due to the language and length of the texts. As I am interested in Art history, it made me want to read more books related especially related to my areas of interest. I found the tasks which involved practical work most enjoyable because it helped me engage with the text. I have tried to link tasks I can to my own practice in the studio. I have achieved this in tasks 2, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 which has developed my work further. This has linked to my practice because it has helped me reflect on my work more and has given me the initiative to read more about the artists and contexts around the themes I am looking into.