Patricia Odysseos-Suther: Task 10

  1. People
  2. Emotion
  3. Environment
  4. Empowerment
  5. Inclusive
  6. Scatty
  7. Welfare
  8. Loud
  9. Personal
  10. Warm

The reason behind my choice in words is that they encapsulate my three main subject matters that I focus on; these being the environment, mental health, and feminism. My work is agent-based and I like to focus on how our environment can alter our well-being both mentally and physically; the attitudes people have towards ‘controversial’ topics can also affect others in some extreme ways and I find this is the case with feminism a lot of the time due to it being such a personal movement. ‘Scatty’, however, is quite a random choice compared to the others, yet it makes complete sense due to the way I work; I hop from one thing to another and I have too many things going on at once. I dislike having a set order to the way I work and the work itself, so the word resonates accurately with me.

(The image is part of my Manifesto project)

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