Is it Possible to be Truly Authentic?

In my opinion authenticity is subjective. For example, if I were to create an entirely new piece of artwork, different to anything I had seen before, then I could be led to believe that I had created a completely authentic piece of art, but then, the first person I showed it to could tell me ‘oh yeah, that looks a lot like the work of so and so.’ My idea, therefore, isn’t authentic in the art world, but for me it was still an original idea. That is not to say that there is anything wrong with this happening, with the world population at 7.6 billion it is more than likely that a lot of the same ideas are re-used in infinite variations across the world.

‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’ I think this is very true of the artistic community, there is a necessity to find new and creative artworks and trends, as evidenced by the countless art movements. I believe that many of the principles of modernism are relevant to modern practice we should strive to do something new, but with the rich history of art it is hard to create work that is not an imitation of something else. This is becoming increasingly difficult in modern works as we gain inspiration from previous work. To take inspiration from previously existing work is still to create genuine and original artworks, but its authenticity does get dragged into question.

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