Task Six: Modes Of Practice

Task Six: Modes Of Practice

Following the given task I experimented with developing a new way of working, a new mode of practice. I initially started by drawing a simple line drawing of a house without looking. I chose to draw a house by just picking a piece of my previous collage work at random. I then translated this drawing into a sculpture using inspiration from artists I spontaneously found by opening pages of a selection of art books at random. This initial process was very quick, spontaneous and free- very unlike how I usually work. However, it created a direct instant flow of thinking and making and allowed me to generate a lot more work than I usually would in the short time frame I had.

I was inspired by Dianna Molzan’s delicate framed pieces. Following this inspiration I found two old, used frames and wrapped thread around them, connecting them, creating a triangular shape- like the roof of a house. I found this play on using a fragile, delicate material (thread) to stabilise and secure a structure very interesting as it created the question of doubt whether it would stay secured, generating a feeling of tension and unease.  It also allowed me to experiment and discover different ways of manipulating different materials in order to create my desired form and outcome. Choosing to create a sculpture in itself was a new mode of practice for me as I never work in this medium. However I felt it was a good experience to widen my skills and practise of the methods of sculpture.

Dianna Molzan, Unititled. Artist inspiration for sculpture.


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