Research & Communication Skills Task 9&10

This advertisement from Duncan Quinn presents us with the violent image of a woman wearing provocative lingerie and being strangled by a smug looking man using a necktie, across the bonnet of a car. The image, surprisingly is an advert for a 2008 suit collection and, judging by the image, it is trying to portray a brand of male dominance, but has taken this beyond what is considered ethical. The violent characteristics suggested of the man are not only inappropriate but extremely sexist and suggestive of female inferiority; advertising suits to men with desires of power both sexually and commercially. Any person reading the ‘about’ section of Duncan Quinn’s website would likely say that the description of Quinn is not far from the man in the advert: ‘He’s also been known to throw the occasional party, indulge in the odd cheeky lunch, drive too fast and enjoy life just a little too much in the company of his friends.’ This sounds like the stereotypical ‘womanizer’ characteristics and confirms the concepts suggested in the advert.

The advertising techniques used here, play on the male subconscious desires of power and brainwash men into believing that this violence they see is ‘acceptable’. This is damaging to viewers and has societal consequences surrounding sexism and the ways in which woman are victimised. Furthermore, the demoralizing effect of this advert makes women feel objectified, as if it is normal to be seen only for their body and be a faceless ‘object’, violated by men. It is troubling for this gesture to be made and this has the potential to cause major issues within the development of society; not only by making women feel disgusted and degraded but also damaging progress made in modern society around gender equality. I think it is also important to remember the effects this has on men who could feel offended by the campaign expressing the idea that men are violent and sexist. A respectful and moral man would not want to be associated with such a campaign doing the opposite of promoting the brand.

The advert also suggests to young, impressionable viewers that violence and victimising women is a way to gain power; this consequently has a damaging effect on younger generations whose morals are effected by influences they are exposed to. Also, with legality in mind, advertisement rules from the ASA read that ‘Marketing communications must not contain anything that is likely to cause serious or widespread offence. Particular care must be taken to avoid causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age.’. This advertisement is offensive to both religion and gender. Inappropriate themes in this advert are not needed to sell a product, there are endless possibilities of ways in which this advert could be much more appropriate, successful and classy without depicting such disrespectful and damaging imagery.




Duncan Quin (2014) About. Available from: [Accessed 30 November 2017]

ASA and CAP (2017) CAP Code 04 Harm and Offence. Available from: [Accessed 30 November 2017]

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