
Duncan Quinn AdvertisementĀ 

The image that I selected is the Duncan Quinn Advertisement for suits which involves a man standing over a body of women in her underwear, with a necktie around her neck which he is holding. This advertisement is unethical as the man is intended to appear superior and stronger than the women, it appears that Duncan Quinn wanted to use the advertisement to appeal to man wanting to appear and feel more masculine, however, by doing this he has created a sexist advert that implies the only way for man to be masculine and strong is to weaken a female.

It glamorizes domestic and sexual abuse, as the the women maybe considered a sex slave, this has is unethical and should not be a message promoted in a positive light within the media. Another message which could be put across is that it is encouraging men to value and want control over the sexuality of a women, as in the picture heĀ has full control and there is a lack of consent seen from the women due to her body laid out on the car and her unconscious state.

This is irresponsible to have in an advertisement campaign as many consumers are highly influenced by advertisements they see in the media, so having this platform Duncan Quinn should have more consideration for what he published to the public. As media can have a great impact in the behaviour of consumers. And due to the high volume of subtle similar graphic messages within the fashion media it has become more acceptable to involve these ethical issues within advertisement campaigns. Therefore, affecting the view men have of women and this view has been considered by the Dr. Shari Miles- Cohen from the American Psychological Association (APA) who ā€˜explained that the inappropriate portrayal of women and girls in the media is not only negatively affecting women, but is also contributing to the misperception many men have about the female genderā€™. (Womenleadingchange ,2014) Overall, these messages are working against the steps towards full equality between sexes, and therefore should not be portrayed in a positive light.

The promotion could also affect the Dunn Quinnā€™s brand as from the publicā€™s reaction to the campaign was not liked by many and having an offence message related to their name could reduce their customer base, as consumer will not buy from them due to what they perceive the company stands for because of their advertisement campaigns.

In conclusion, I believe that the aim of Dunn Quinnā€™s advertisement was make the man appear strong and masculine, by emphasising his power over the women within the photograph. However due to the strong influence advertisement can have it was irresponsible and unethical to promote a message. Overall, big brands such as Dunn Quinn who have the large platform that reaches so many consumers need to be more considerate when producing campaigns such as this as it can send negative messages and ideas into society.

Womenleadingchange (2014), The Sexualisation of Women and Girls. Available from:

Accessed-Ā  01/12/2017

American Psychological Association, Dr. Shari Miles-Cohen. Available from:

Accessed ā€“ 01/12/2017




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