Tasks 9 and 10 Ethics

The ethical issues that need to be taken into consideration when looking at this Duncan Quinn image is masculine control and feminism. Masculine control shows the woman as being a sex slave/ object showing the woman as being subservient having the head brace/ lead as showing dominance and the woman is nothing compared to the man. This is also shown through costume – the man is fully and well dressed whereas the woman is only wearing underwear showing she is poor and the man controls what she wears going back to the sex slave – the woman is more accessible for him to use her if she is not fully dressed, however, this makes it to be more obvious of the man’s intentions to onlookers. This may be what he wants to portray his dominance and make him look manlier to other men. Women will not view the man as being this way; they will find him to be disgusting. Feminists would argue that men have done this emotionally and physically to women for years. This photograph is especially chilling because of the lead around the woman’s neck, which is the most vulnerable part of the human body and first port of call for a man to harm a woman. Ethically, I am surprised this photograph was released as it is very near the mark of what is allowed in the modern world. The mans suit indicates that this photograph is based in the nineteen twenties. It looks like she is lying on a car, which is mainly a male interest – motor racing and a general interest in cars. This photograph may show that in the twenties, the man was seen as the breadwinner of the family and woman seen as just a producer of children and to cater to the needs of the man. This gives the woman a lower status in the family and society as being a second-class citizen. The woman looks dead which may show that she is very tired and near to death after catering to the mans needs. The woman is looking at the man to possibly ask for the man’s permission to look at the camera – he is staring right at the camera with an angry look which also has a hint of happy he has the woman in this position. The fact that the photo is in black and white backs up the idea that this was set in the twenties and the woman’s style of underwear also shows this. The lead is the only thing connecting or separating the woman and the man. The way the woman is lying down suggests she is in pain with an arched back. “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” Atwood, Margaret (Unkown) Telegraph date accessed 28/11/17. Women are seen to be vulnerable and less important than men because they have different body parts, which is not acceptable and I think this photograph is not seen as appropriate in this day and age.

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