Task 6:

I would like to evolve my painting skills and start using glaze to see what effect it could give my paintings, but I also want to experiment with different textures in my paintings. This would help with my knowledge of using mixed media and creating a wide variety of different outcomes to anything I have tried before.
So using other materials such as crinkled/folded paper like I experimented with in my contemporary project. I then could paint on lots different textures including crinkled/folded paper and use this like I would normally use a paintbrush and transfer the colour and marks onto other surfaces. This is a great way of moving away from the traditional painting tool, the paint brush and started to invent and experiment with new tools I can create.
I could also use low cost materials such as string, yarn, fabric samples and incorporate these into my work to make mixed media pieces and to highlight the different textures from the new painting technique. I could use imagery and collage them together incorporating these different multi medias to create a new fixture of techniques that might not have been experimented with yet.
This project is feasible for me as I have some of these materials ready to start with, and if I find it successful and interesting I can continue exploring further into the practise and source new materials to try and experiment with.

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