Duncan Quinn, a menswear designer typically known for his bespoke tailoring in the U.S.A, kicked up a stir within the media with his shocking 2008 advert[1].

What exactly was he trying to promote?

With a tie wrapped around her neck and by the looks of it, killing her, this disturbing advertisment brings up many emotions and questions for the audience. The image screams male dominance and power from the suit, to the car with the exposed woman sprawled across it and the uncomfortable grin he’s ever so confidently giving off. Worryingly, this is something us females are getting far too familiar with seeing within the media.

Japanese female writer Natsuo Kirino once said [2]“The pain of being treated like a mere object. And a sense that this pain would turn into pleasure.” Looking back at the image, it massively relates to the quote and makes you realise that issues like domestic abuse are wrongly being generalised and glamorised within the media. Mistakes like this can be easily avoided. Instead, it gives the company a bad reputation and could possibly influence certain members of society but surely it’s okay to abuse a woman if you’re dressed well and own a fancy car, right?

GQ Magazine previously described the brand as “savile row meets rock ‘n’ roll” this could propose his rebellion used in this advert. In my opinion, I think this is a very poor and insensitive tactic used throughout the media industry to possibly get it spoken about more but this is in no way acceptable.

In addition, advertisements in further years are still strife with sexism, the well known brand, [3]Calvin Klein had their billboard advert taken down in 2016 as it massively objectified women.

The two images are very contrasting without even reading the text written in small across the middle. I found myself feeling extremely annoyed after seeing this because why is the woman the only one seen as a sexual object when both genders are meant to be promoting the underwear? From the text they’ve chosen to use, I’m confused as to how the two images show that either one of them makes money nor seduces and how a pair of underwear can do such thing. Moreover, the colour palettes they’ve used strikes me as white usually suggests purity but yet she supposedly seduces and red reflects danger, so there’s few mistakes I’ve managed to find within this advertisment. Furthermore,the female audience must feel incredibly triggered by advertisements like this, as they’re being perceived as something their not and degraded.

I’ve identified this error in multiple American brands and thought to who is in unfortunately in charge to this present day. Donald Trump. [5]I’ve read through a list of the horrid remarks he’s made towards women over a period of time (in and out of charge as president) and it makes me question how someone like that can have so much power in the world. It gives off an awful impression for someone who a country is meant to look up to, follow and be inspired by.

I’ve only focused on the most common aspect within fashion advertising but there’s a handful of things that should be taken into consideration when trying to promote a brand. To conclude, I think advertising should be fair to all and not to draw attention from what they’re actually trying to sell.


[1] Winn, Sarah,(2008),trendhunter, available from: https://www.trendhunter.com/trends/duncan-quinn-suit-ad-depicting-strangled-woman [accessed 28th November]

[2] Kirino,Natsu,(2016),goodreads, available from: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7343847-the-pain-of-being-treated-like-a-mere-object-and [accessed 28th November]

[3] Reed, Sam,(2016),hollywoodreporter,available from: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/calvin-klein-billboard-removed-petition-876784, [accessed 28th November]

[4] (2013),Twitter, available from: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/331907383771148288?lang=en. [accessed 28th November

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