Task 8- Appropriation

Roy Lichtenstein has always been an artist that I have admired, the work he creates is so emotive with the facial expressions being exaggerated, you can always see exactly how the character feeling. On most pieces there is normally a speech bubble as well and most of the writing within them is to do with the subjects being upset over something, either over a man or a situation they are in. The more I thought about it I realised that Lichtenstein could have used that space for writing to get a message out with his work being so popular, rather than something that would just make his work more appealing and I suppose more relatable to the public, but in my opinion mostly to females.

Image result for roy lichtenstein pop art

For this piece I have taken one of Lichtensteins pieces but redrawn and painted it, using different colours but I have still kept the speech bubble. Inside I have written ‘peeling pomegranates is one of the most painfully boring things in the world’ which is a reworded tweet that I came across while researching #firstworldproblems, this was a hashtag that came about on twitter and became extremely popular, an almost joke between people where they would write a first world problem that a privileged individual would have. I wanted to show that what I put into the speech bubble in reality is no better than what Lichtenstein was putting in, they are both on the same level of irrelevance.  



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