Task 11.

I think the content in my posts is well thought out and perceived well, I tried to make sure every task is done to a good enough standard without rambling on too much. The most enjoyable tasks for me were Tasks 1, 4, 8 and 12 as they were broad, and you could do anything you want with them.

I tried to make sure I completed every task weekly so I never fell behind or felt overwhelmed nearing the deadline. I think doing these tasks has helped me get back in to writing for a purpose and made me think about my writing skills more.

I enjoy writing and have tried to enjoy the experience however there were a few tasks that were very hard to write like Task 7 and 9 as there is a lot of information in relation to Art history and Art theory and to have to chop down what you say in to 300 words so you aren’t writing a long essay was quite a difficult process, especially with those tasks because there is a lot of information you could write about.

Overall, I have learned new things from this experience such as being able to review and talk about exhibitions (task 4/5). Learn about interesting art theories (task 7) and talk about my own ideas and work (task 1, 3, 8,10, 12). Art isn’t just about creating work, it’s about knowing the world of art from history to theory, to philosophy and being able to communicate ideas and thoughts in more ways than just visually which this blog has helped me to do.


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