Task 1, Developing Ideas

These images show continuous line drawings, completed in strong yet delicate care with pen and ink.Ā The simple lines show basic outlines of a human face and figure. I try to show the mood through the thick bold gaps within the models faces. This helping the viewer put in their own perspective into the work, by ā€œfilling in the gapsā€.

I plan to develop my pieces by making the tone heavy contrasted, making the movement of my pieces flow throughout. I will do this by using darker colours for the line, such as black or navy blue and leave the background plain, such as white or pale blue.

Throughout the course of the year I also wish to include texture within my pieces. Whether this take place within the background or foreground.Ā While sticking to the theme of continuous line, I wish to create painted pieces with an uneven surface (impasto), making the eyes, nose and mouth of my model stand out from the canvasĀ I also plan to create work with media, including charcoal and graphite.

This will help to create pieces with a fine and smooth surface.Ā To show development clearly throughout the course of this project I plan to start it of with organic drawings, plain and simple, set out in an organised fashion. This will help me to decide where I want the project to go.Ā My aim is to create pieces with every scale. Monumental and miniature.

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