Is it possible to be truly authentic?

In this day and age with the use of the internet it has become much harder to be authentic. The ability to find every article out there and to then imitate rather than influence is inevitable as there are so many. The definition of authentic is ‘of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine’. I believe that this is extremely hard however is possible.

To create a piece of art you do your research which enables your creative thoughts, this shows that other artists’ work will influence your work just through the slightest details. You’ll find that you take in and absorb information from every day situations. Graphic Design has a massive role in society in the 21st Century and therefore can be seen everywhere.

Despite it being hard to be authentic in the 21st Century, in 1925 Herbert Bayer did exactly that and created an authentic style of typefaces that Germany had never seen before. This then pushed him to continue and ‘In 1959, he designed his “fonetik alfabet”, a phonetic alphabet for English'(, 2017).

Bayer’s idea to push for a new style in Germany was the start of his authenticity as he was on of the few who were trying to be unique.

‘Bayer’s typeface has since become synonymous with the Bauhaus, though it was never manufactured as a metal font for printers’ (The Art Story, 2017). This quote helps us understand the after effects of an authentic piece of work. From this revolutionary act of uniqueness came new styles of art that were influenced by Bayer’s typefaces.

Refrences: (2017). Herbert Bayer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017].

The Art Story. (2017). Bauhaus Movement, Artists and Major Works. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2017].

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