Task 8

For this task, I wanted to use a piece of work by an artist that I had already looked at for my project so that I could link it into my work. My project is focused on hiding facial expressions in order to create curiosity as to what is hidden beneath or what has been removed from the image. I wanted to withhold the information from the audience by painting abstract images over the top of a photo or placing materials over parts of the face whilst still revealing slight aspects, so for this task I chose a piece of work by Kathryn Andrews. In her work she places two black blocks over a face. There’s a clear juxtaposition between the colourful, flowery, soft image of the person and the blunt, overpowering blocks; clearly stating that something is hidden underneath. I decided that this image would be interesting to overlay on one of my photographs as the effect of the black lines may be different if they are less sharp and less extreme. I chose a photo that I had already worked into as I wanted it to stand out beneath the black and also because paint is very important in my work. I discovered that merging the images worked well as long as the artists’ work was faded more than my piece as I didn’t want my piece so be completely covered. I particularly liked how the two faces created an illusion as they align in some places which is quite interesting and not something I thought would occur. I may take this idea of merging different faces together and develop it further by possibly using more than two different faces all with different expressions and experimenting with how the colours of the images affect the outcome and the overall piece.

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