Comparing two images

Barbara Krugers ‘Your body is a battleground’ is a piece of artwork I find very intriguing. The red typography against the black and white image creates a powerful piece of artwork. Kruger is portraying a message through this work and its emphasised with having her subject directly stare straight ahead through the print. She combines the gaze of the subject with the words across her face to address the issue of the continued feminist struggle. It’s reinforced with the text speaking directly to the viewer ‘your.’

Ai Weiwei like Kruger is an activist however, he uses a different medium for his work. For example the image on the right is a piece he installed regarding the refugees fleeing Syria. He collected over 14,000 life jackets and tied them together on the columns of Berlin’s Konzerthaus. The life jackets demonstrate the amount of lives being risked to find peace.

Both pieces of work by these artists showcase an important message, it’s evident that neither of them are afraid to speak up for what they believe in. Furthermore, I think it’s very interesting to see how you can portray a message in various mediums and how you can combine these mediums. In addition, looking at both images I’ve noticed how the artists have created work that isn’t too overdone. The message is clearly taken from how simple they are and isn’t confused.

Image result for barbara kruger your body is a battlegroundImage result for ai weiwei life jacket installation


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