Technology and art.

In the Constructivist’s manifesto, Rodchenko uses the phrase: “Technology is the mortal enemy of art.” (1922 pg. 220) I think what Rodchenko is referring to here is the use of technology in replacement for the human quality of creating. Whilst I agree that the human element in design is essential, I disagree with the above statement for a number of reasons.

Technology has been used to further our ability to create in all areas of art and design and I think that a key reason it has allowed us to do so is that certain processes can be sped up allowing for more time to be spent on other processes in order to push ourselves further as designers. Instead of spending hours on the physical production of a piece, more time can now be spent considering the clarity of communication and the concepts of the piece. Furthermore the use of technology has enabled us to edit and change elements of our work like never before, with work now able to be taken apart, rearranged and put back together again with ease. What this means for a designer is that weaker points in a design can be improved and worked upon much easier, enabling them to push themselves to create a higher quality of work.

I think part of Rodchenko’s attitude towards to technology may have been to do with artists and designers using technology as a replacement for effort and hard work, and to that I say a lazy artist will be lazy in their work regardless of media and material choices. Technology should be used to enable our skills, not to replace them.

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