This is an image of the cartoon character Olive Oyl. This character is from Popeye, a well known cartoon created by Elzie Crisler Segar in the 1930s. I can see Zac Posen’s influences and inspiration through this cartoon as his work is quite cartoon-like and focused on main parts of the body such as knees, bust and waist that a cartoon would think about and use mostly. Women in cartoons are portrayed in a certain way to become more feminine in society’s eye. This is femininity is shown through Posen’s work in an extravagant, exaggerated way – for example shown in the teal garment the waist is very exaggerated and very much only for the runway yet still has an elegant, haute couture, expensive feel to it. Popeye himself is known for having large arm muscles, so exaggeration on Olive Oyl seems appropriate. Her arms and legs are very skinny which fits society’s culture at the moment – women having to be skinny in the right places to appear attractive to others. This in itself is unachievable for some women as they are just not made like that and celebrities that have the ideal figure in photographs are very likely to be photoshopped. Zac Posen’s work is influenced by feminists and this fits in with it nicely. This image shows Olive Oyl wearing all orange including a small hat which is quite iconic of the cartoon Popeye. Her hair is always in this style – slicked back in a small bun at the bottom. I picked Zac Posen because the links to his work were quite clear yet still needed to be thought about – feminism is now quite a generic idea/ concept but this has been done in an original way to hint at the idea but not showing it too publically/ obviously.