Nathan Pine – Task 6

The practice I am going to be evolving is what I like to call “Mood Painting”. Where basically you create abstract paintings from the emotions you are currently experiencing or are being evoked through an external stimulus, for example I will be listening to music and from the music I get inspired to choose what colours to mix into the background and sometimes place words which stick out to me from the song. I started creating artwork this way at the beginning of this year in my Art Foundation course after being inspired by a talk from the artist Tom Hammick, the way he spoke about his prints and the personal connection he had between night and day and how it influenced his work, I was inspired to experiment with this personal connection within my own artwork; so I began this mood painting technique. I really enjoyed it and it created some interesting work and was somewhat therapeutic for me to allow my thoughts and emotions to seep onto the paper through an array of colours and words and to reflect on the outcome afterwards.IMG_7770

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