“Technology is the mortal enemy of art.”

“Technology is the mortal enemy of art.” (Rodchenko, A. Gan and Stepanova, 1922, pg.220). This quote written in “Who We Are: Manifesto of the Constructivist Group” is a very interesting quote to me as an aspiring designer.

This quote was written back in 1922 when ‘technology’ barely existed compared to nowadays. As someone studying graphic design in the 21st century I mostly disagree with the quote, however, I can appreciate where they are coming from. In today’s society, technology is so easily accessible that the possibilities of what can be produced are infinite. I personally have huge respect for how technology has developed the art world. What would’ve taken artists hours/days to complete can now be done so quickly using modern technology.

In contrast to this though, I still really appreciate artists that continue to use traditional tools and methods to produce art such as graphic designer, Anthony Burrill.

Anthony Burrill








In the caption of this video, The Design Museum have quoted Anthony Burrill saying he believes that the methods he uses “gives the work a human feel.” I completely agree with this as I feel sometimes digital work can become very flat and lacking of tiny errors and qualities that make hand produced works, unique.

In conclusion, I feel that the quote “Technology is the mortal of art” is not completely true. Technology has and will continue to benefit and develop the art world. However, I think it’s equally as important that we do not forget traditional ways of producing art and keep using these well into the future.


Danchev, A. (2011) 100 Artists; Manifestos. London: Penguin Books.

Burrill, A. (2017) . Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/BaBe2s9hYqJ/?taken-by=designmuseum (Accessed: 29/10/17).


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