I’ve always been very interested in Japanese fashion. So I immediately thought of Japan traditional culture when I saw this task, then I went to the WSA library after class because I want to find some information from there. Finally, I find an interesting book which calls the “KIMONO INSPIRATION”.

From this book, I understand the history of kimono, and during the eighteenth Century, these clothing spread to the United States, after absorbing American culture, how to improve and promote the development of Japanese clothing culture. If I didn’t read the book, when I saw it, I would think it was just a random line and woven, but it wasn’t. Actually, it was a work that expressed the mood of a designer and also that is the reason why I chose this picture except this design is cool. In my opinion, when a masterpiece has meaning, it is the most beautiful.

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Ben Compton

Madame Butterfly, 1977

Stitched, pieced, and appliqued mixed media

Collection Mrs.Randall Compton

Yohji Yamamoto Fashion Show, Menswear Collection Spring Summer 2017 in Paris

Yohji Yamamoto Fashion Show, Menswear Collection Spring Summer 2017 in Paris

From this picture, I think of my favorite designer Yohji Yamamoto, in his spring and summer fashion show of 2016, collection has a series that looks very much like this picture. Even now, Yohji Yamamoto’s design still has a little bit similar like kimono.


A variety of different culture and interesting patterns let kimono has the opportunity to go to the United States. After Yohji Yamamoto studied in Europe, he combined the eastern culture and Western art, designed a series of combination of eastern and Western culture.

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Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926)

La Japnaise.

Museum of Fine arts Boston, 56.1471951 Purchase Fund

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K. Lee Manuel

Geisha Kimono, 1982

Sewn, painted, and glued mixed media

Collection the artist


I found this research process very useful, because from the book I learned many interesting patterns and history, but also learned the art and art to wear.

And I think that is good for me to study woven and print course because how to use art to wear is very basic and essential.

Finally, there is no border between art, single art and culture is limited. Therefore, combining different culture with different art are always interesting and creative.


Reference list:

Nowfashion (2017) Yohji Yamamoto menswear SS Paris. Available at: nowfashion.com/yohji-yamamoto-menswear-spring-summer-2017-paris-19299?photo=935890 [Accessed: 24th October]

Rebecca, A. T, S & Yoshiko, I. W. (1996) The kimono inspiration: art and art-to-wear in America. California: Published by pomegranate Art books.

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