Interactive Narratives

Interactive narratives are a form of story that give the user control over choices that influence the direction of the narrative. Essentially it is a step up from linear story-telling mediums, such as books and film, that allows for a more engaging and personal experience. Whereas books have you read about a characters life, interactive narratives let you escape your own life by putting you in the driving seat of another. There are limitations in that the multiple paths are  predetermined; but the concept of choice is what is so unique. Telltale is an example of a video game company that follows the ideas of interactive narratives. The games they create let the user make meaningful decisions in their stories – either through dialogue choices or actions. One of the most appealing parts of their games recently is how they have taken existing franchises and let you take control of the protagonists. The fact that interactive narratives let you not only experience unique and expansive worlds but also influence them is why I think it is such an interesting medium that with continue to evolve.

Telltales The Walking Dead

Early forms of this medium provided the building blocks for what video games have become today. The idea of living a fantasy life full of questing is still being developed in different ways but it all started with interactive narratives such as Dungeons and Dragons. Even though the way in which we engage with interactive narratives has vastly changed, the key principals have stayed the same. Comparing D&D to a game like Skyrim will quickly reveal similarities; the player begins a quest by creating their character and follows a loose path that they are encouraged to manipulate, all the while gathering resources and acquiring skills.

Quantic Dream have developed movie-like games with deep narratives. Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain could have been made into a book or a film but having them be interactive adds more layers of depth and potential. Many other video games take aspects of the interactive narrative medium to enhance stories and gameplay; and with the technology of VR available, soon enough we will be able to fully live another life.


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