Terminal Bar

Terminal Bar is a small movie made by Stefan Nadelman (2002). This movie records a change of bar between 10 years, has a strong compare between old and new thing. The feature of the movie is the processes involved in using photography create a short film. Some frames are layout lots of same photography which let me a link to pop art, because they both copy and paste a picture multiple times in a moment.

But I think the best movie has similar performance method was made by Dušan Hanák, called the picture of the old world which was made in 1972. These two movies both use the black-and-white photograph to display. The terminal bar has lots of different typesetting, making it more interesting, but a good movie is not only formed by good technology, but also the atmosphere and the meaning of the rendering. The terminal bar doesn’t have a suitable background music or pause to fit with pictures together. However, the picture of old world does a  really good work, at the beginning of the movie old granny’s melodious voice reinforces our feelings of the pictures.

But the way Stefan Nadelman layouts the pictures offer an Interesting and diverse composition. We can use two pictures with small differences and a quick conversion through two diagrams, even the picture is stationary similar as we turn the pages of the book quickly it could form animation. We could create the illusion of a dynamic picture in the brains. Secondly, zooming in a picture and moving pictures as a long take also is a way to show them as a movie. These element help photography have some change and become interesting, because the photography will be dozens of seconds on the screen.

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