comparing—Liu xinyi


psbit’s an old picture, to be honest, I was totally shocked when I first saw this picture, exactly in front of the Tiananmen in china, in front of the photo of Mao Ze Dong, who was the first chairman of new china, in front of two soldiers and some people, there are two girls kissing each other. There’s nobody stand out to say something or do something, they just stand there and talk, but I can see the confusion, incomprehension and slightly contempt through their eyes. And the warm tones and majorly red background brought this photograph stronger Chinese old-fashioned style. Unfortunately, it’s still mostly the same as the situation of queer in china nowadays. no one will abuse them or even argue with them in real life because they all know there’s nothing wrong with it whether legally or morally, but gesticulating, groundless talk never stopped. the same with transgender people and gender identity disorders, they’re even in a worse place. Basically, a man is not supposed to use makeup in mainstream society in China.

Planning torock is one of my favorite British musicians. 640She changed her first name into a masculine “Jam” to try to escape from the define the popularity of women. We can easily connect her face, or we can say the face she made with the sculpture in Italy’s classic period. Unkempt, short hair, unbelievably towering nose, sharp eyes and even the twilight of the fangs. Her nose prosthesis is the so-called “female sexuality” satire. And the purple background makes this photograph more mysterious. And she emphasizes the concept of “flowing gender”, just like the spectrum. This is why Jam keep standing out for feminism and lgbtaq.

Liu Xinyi

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