Terminal Bar

Terminal Bar (Nadelman, 2003) is centred on a notorious bar in New York and the many people who are associated with it. The film documents evidence of over a decade, and incorporates text, videos and photographs to take us on a visual journey of discovery. Interviews form a large part of the film and are often accompanied with stills for reference. Similarly, narration is a prominent feature, as are newspaper extracts which aid visual stimulation and provide further context.

Audio and sound effects help give life to the gritty bar, we can hear the murmur of film-rolling between the dynamic sequences and the upbeat, heavy bass music indicates an energetic atmosphere. The film is an interesting watch as it combines old-style aesthetics with a modern approach to filmmaking, linking to the idea of past and present which is a prominent theme. Comparisons can also be drawn from the use of split screen and from visiting old locations mentioned by the narrator.

In my own projects I could use a variety of similar processes to make my work visually captivating, such as using images to support text or perhaps illustrating research. Making comparisons could also be beneficial, for example I might choose to compare my work to other graphic artists or even make comparisons between ‘then’ and ‘now’ as Terminal Bar does.
I would like to similarly develop an individual style of presenting work to follow through my course – making sure to consistently ‘think outside of the box’ and consider the viewer.

Nadelman, S. (2003) Terminal Bar. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfWBbZBqYjo (Accessed: 9 October 2017).


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