Week 6 – Post Modernism

Show – Editorial Spread

Focusing on the image labelled ‘3’, I found that this work showed that a magazine spread or in fact any type of organisation of information can; as an individual presentation, be Graphic Design and Graphic Art in its most contemporary form as well as showing how post-modernism is being embraced in modern Graphic Design. This particular piece features the work of multiple designers embracing the abnormal within design and in some pages of the editorial (from which the image is found) the almost illegibility of the typography shows how communicative Graphic Design can be.

Reveal – Wet Magazine Cover

The secondary image combines media, in this instance it provides an almost psychedelic affect to be integrated with the aesthetic of the brand “WET”. This design allows for photography, illustration and graphic design to create a complete scene that reveals something to each viewer; I see the image as a metropolis and as a shrine to a celebrity, this is an effect I particularly enjoy as it encourages a private moment between the image and each viewer in an interaction summarised here “…our connectedness as humans to one another in the globalizing world and with fictional characters as representations of ourselves.”(Gibbons, A. 2017).

Deconstruct – Music Poster

The first image showing a concert poster not only allows for eye catching design through simplistic shapes and colour pairings from deconstruction, but also design that encourages you to think as is emphasised here “The postmodern denial of this viewpoint—which follows from the rejection of an objective natural reality—is sometimes expressed by saying that there is no such thing as Truth. “(Duigan,B. 2014). After dabbling in trying to learn musical instruments and how to read sheet music as most have, I can understand that this piece is a deconstruction of sheet music and instruments. Using the strong shapes and repetitive patterns the designer has been able to not only communicate the purpose of the poster but also entice the target audience of concert attendees to look closer.






Duigan,B. (2014) Postmodernism and Modern Philosophy. Available from: https://www.britannica.com/topic/postmodernism-philosophy [Accessed 3 December 2017]

Gibbons,A.(2017) Postmodernism is dead, Now What? Available from: https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/public/postmodernism-dead-comes-next/ [Accessed 3 December 2017}



Anonymous.(2017) Early Swiss Postmodern Design. Available from: http://www.historygraphicdesign.com/the-age-of-information/postmodern-design/765-early-swiss-postmodern-design [Accessed 2 December 2017]

Poynor,R. (2011) Did We Ever Stop Being Postmodern? Available from: https://designobserver.com/feature/did-we-ever-stop-being-postmodern/30798 [Accessed 2 December 2017]

Nariman-qizi,S. (2016) Postmodern Movement in Design. Available from:         https://www.behance.net/gallery/32508169/Postmodern-movement-in-design-Editorial [Accessed 2 December 2017]

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