When I take a first glance at this image I don’t feel any sense of discomfort, until I look a bit closer and dive deeper in the hidden meanings behind this image. It is an image of a man in a nicely tailored suit looking very smart. It appears that he is holding what either looks like a piece of rope or a rather aggressively put together tie. There is also a woman that looks to
Either be exhausted or unconscious laying across the bonnet of a car that I’m assuming is the gentleman’s. It looks as if the woman has been dragged across the car as the tie is around her neck and it looks like the ties is being pulled by the man. The body language of the women suggests that she has given up fighting and has lost all self-respect, this is due to her hands and body being in a very neutral position, suggesting she is just letting it happen. The background of the image is in complete darkness suggesting they are alone and no one is there to help the woman. The image looks like it is trying to represent an 80’s style by the look of the car and the contrast put into the black and white image.
After reading up further into the image I have noticed there are many articles titling the image, ‘dead sexy’ by this I have gathered that the women is meant to be dead. This could suggest that there is something sexy or some sort of sexual fantasy for a women’s body and having full control over it. I feel this image is shouting out ‘control’ in many different ways. Another way being how it is a man having the power over a woman, this could show how back when the image is trying to be conserved, men had full control over women and got all the final say in all important decisions. Maybe the poster is trying to put across the message that women are trying to fight back in equal rights and feminism, but men will always have that little bit more power. I get this impression as the man is holding on the tie like it is a loose for a dog. It’s almost as if the loose suggests that mean aren’t going to let go of the power they once owned.
The poster could quite simply be signifying the muscular power that men will always have over women, and by this it might be trying to show that they have the greater say. Looking at it simply maybe it is suggesting some form of sexual role play.
Thinking of the modern growth of fashion and how it looks to be heading the poster could represent menswear. This may be due to the fact that the menswear sector in fashion is growing rapidly and is nearly coinciding with women’s wear. This could suggest the future plains for means wear and how they look to overpower it.